We’re pleased to inform you that Stanford Entrepreneurs Forum will resume on the first Wednesday of every month starting from October, 2015. The Forum will invite top-tier entrepreneurs, industry experts, venture capitalists and securities underwriters to share their stories and experiences on how to effectively incubate and grow high-tech ventures. The Forum offers opportunities to connect ideas, technology and people. Welcome to join us.


Schedule: 2019/08/07 ‧ 11:30~15:00
Speaker 1: Arthur Chen (陳彥諭) 比翼加速器 執行董事
Speaker 2: Tien-Jen Liu, M.D. (劉天仁醫師) AIxMed 營運長
Topics: How VC and Accelerator Help Startups Hit New Heights

11:30~12:00 Check-in & Registration
12:00~12:50 Opening, Luncheon and Speaker Introduction
12:50~13:40 Speech
13:40~14:00 Q&A
14:00~15:00 Round Table Discussion


Stanford Entrepreneurs Forum https://www.facebook.com/StanfordEntrepreneursForum


For registration, please submit your registration form to enos@darwin-venture.com.tw or click the site of https://forms.gle/3wG9RpeJtpDcubge6 to register.

Registration Fee:
- On-Site: NTD 850 per person
- Early bird: NTD 750 per person


囍宴軒-小巨蛋館 (捷運松山線-台北小巨蛋站2號出口)
105台北市松山區南京東路四段2號1樓, T +886 2 2578 1238

Speaker Biography

Arthur Chen (陳彥諭)
比翼加速器 執行董事

- 比翼資本 執行董事
- 台灣新創競技場 董事
- 科技部生技醫療價創計畫招集人
- 資訊工業策進會顧問
- 臺灣經濟研究院顧問
- 臺北市政府國際事務委員
- 國家發展委員會創業天使計劃評委
- 經濟部中小企業 SBIR 評委
- 臺灣交通大學及香港理工大學客座講師

作為一名連續創業家和創投,Arthur 現任比翼資本的執行董事,負責美國和大中華的醫療科技新創投資,並幫助所投資團隊向海外市場擴展。

Arthur 亦為 Rookie Fund 及社會影響力基金 43Ventures 的投資人,專注於 Impact Investments。並同時為 Taiwan Startup Stadium 及 Spring Drive 的董事,台灣交通大學及香港理工大學客座講師,設計多元新創課程,致力幫助創業家在初創時所需資金和資源媒合,並擔任國家發展委員會創業天使計劃 & 經濟部中小企業 SBIR 評委、科技部生技醫療價創計畫招集人、以及台北市國際事務委員會委員。MOSA 及 Term Sheet BootCamp 共同策展人,協助推廣及培育台灣青年創業家精神。Arthur 從哥倫比亞及倫敦商學院獲得 EMBA,並修習史丹福大學的創新和創業課程。他也是一個業餘爵士樂薩克斯手和籃球愛好者。

A serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Arthur works as the Executive Director at BE Capital a healthcare focused investment firm, where he manages and invests a portfolio of medical technology ventures in the USA and Greater China.

Meanwhile, he is also an impact investor at Rookie Fund and #43 Ventures, with strong dedication to supporting youth entrepreneurship. Arthur received his EMBA from Columbia and London business Schools, and is taking Stanford GSB’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate Program. He is also an amateur Jazz sax and basketball lover.

Speaker Biography

Tien-Jen Liu, M.D. (劉天仁醫生)

- AI x Med 營運長
- 馬偕醫院耳鼻喉科 資深主治醫師
- 台灣史丹福生醫培訓計畫 訪問學者
- 專業項目: 臨床需求發覺、醫療科技

脫下白袍,走出白色巨塔,台北馬偕醫院耳鼻喉科資深主治醫師劉天仁,投身於生醫跨領域創業。2010 年劉天仁醫師到史丹福大學參加「台灣-史丹福醫療器材產品設計之人才培訓計畫」,讓他的眼界豁然開朗,了解到國外蓬勃興起的生技創業潮,提供了有別於傳統開業以外的廣闊創業機會。回國後,就在交通大學開設了生醫科技創新科技的相關課程,2018 年也在北醫開設了相關課程,持續致力於生醫領域的創造力啟發與人才培養。

2016 年,他正式跨界到生技產業,擔任宇康生科公司醫療長;更進一步與友人共同創辦了AI x Med 公司,擔任營運長,投入目前炙手可熱的AI 領域。八月的[與創業達人有約]系列餐會邀請到劉醫師分享創新、創業的寶貴經驗與心得。

Tien-Jen graduated from Taipei Medical University 1999 and is an attending physician of MacKay Memorial Hospital Taipei since 2004 after his ENT residency. He joined MMH Hsinchu br. as ENT department director / Ambulatory Department Director leading clinical service innovation during 2010-2016.

In addition to his role at MMH, Tien-Jen serves on the faculty of Taipei Medical University and National Chiao-Tung University as an adjunct professor of Biomedical Engineering and is Co-Director of NCTU EMBA’s Biomedical Design program. As devoted in Biodesign program in Taiwan, Tien Jen also serves as organizing committee of BME IDEA APAC, a Stanford Biodesign Global Outreach Program since 2019.

Tien-Jen became a physician entrepreneur after his Stanford-Taiwan Biomedical fellowship in 2010. In 2018, Tien-Jen co-founded AIxMed, an AI company that focusing on brining AI into cell imaging and is currently Chief Operating Officer of AIxMed.

Contact Information

Vicky Yeh, +886-2-2545-0899, vicky@darwin-venture.com.tw
Enos Fan, +886-3-5710106, enos@darwin-venture.com.tw


Stanford Club of Taiwan 史丹福大學在台校友會 https://www.facebook.com/StanfordClubOfTaiwan


Darwin-Venture Management 達盈管理顧問公司 http://darwin-venture.com.tw

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Stanford Entrepreneurs Forum https://www.facebook.com/StanfordEntrepreneursForum