TSMC~半導体の地政学と日台産業連携~TSMC, Geopolitics, and the Japan-Taiwan Alliance

最近半導體、TSMC、地緣政治的議題收到全球的高度關注。達盈的好朋友,資深記者林宏文先生的暢銷書「晶片島上的光芒:台積電、半導體與晶片戰,我的 30 年採訪筆記 」日文版也即將出版! 為此,我們將於 4/3(三)在東京舉辦一場簽書會。林宏文先生也會在現場演講,主題為:TSMC~半導体の地政学と日台産業連携~TSMC, Geopolitics, and the Japan-Taiwan Alliance.

Semiconductors, TSMC and geopolitics have been very hot topics. Our good friend and respected journalist Mr. Owen Lin will also see his best-selling book on the topic published in Japanese. For this occasion, we're organizing a book signing event in Tokyo on April 3 (Wednesday). Mr. Lin will also be there in person to deliver a talk titled: TSMC, Geopolitics, and the Japan-Taiwan Alliance.

購買書 Purchase the book: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010960334?sloc=main

Event link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tsmc-tsmc-geopolitics-and-the-japan-taiwan-alliance-tickets-851326369087?aff=oddtdtcreator


このたびダーウィン・ベンチャーズでは、創業時からTSMCの取材を続け、創業者モリス・チャンへのインタビュー実績もある台湾人ジャーナリスト林宏文氏をお招きし、氏が昨年台湾で出版し異例のベストセラーとなった書籍の日本語翻訳版「TSMC 世界を動かすヒミツ」(台湾原題: 晶片島上的光芒:台積電、半導體與晶片戰,我的30年採訪筆記)の出版を記念したイベントを開催いたします。


We are pleased to announce a book signing event of the Japanese translation of Lin Hongwen's latest bestseller, which has seen unprecedented success in Taiwan. This event will shed light on the secrets of TSMC, a topic garnering attention nationwide in Japan.

"Unveiling the Reality of the World's Strongest Semiconductor Foundry: Everything About a Company that Moves Smartphones and World Peace. Insights from 30 Years of Investigation into the Ultra-Secretive Foundry." Organized by Darwin Ventures, this invaluable occasion will feature veteran journalist Lin Hongwen, who draws on over 30 years of research, including interviews with TSMC founder Morris Chang, to provide unprecedented insights into TSMC's ultra-secretive corporate culture.

Be sure to sign up early as seating is limited. The first 50 attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the book. After Mr. Lin’s presentation, there will also be book-signing and a networking session.

About the Speaker

林宏文(リン・ホンウェン/Lin Hung-Wen)

主にハイテク・バイオ業界の取材に長年携わりながら経済誌『今周刊』副編集長、経済紙『経済日報』ハイテク担当記者を歴任し、産業の発展や投資動向、コーポレートガバナンス、国際競争力といったテーマを注視してきた。現在はFM96.7環宇電台のラジオパーソナリティや、メディア『今周刊』、『数位時代』、『鍶科技』、『CIO IT経理人』のコラムニストとして活躍中。

また、台湾のクルーザーメーカーで世界第四位の東哥遊艇(Ocean Alexander)、各種コネクタ・部品サプライヤーの太康精密股份有限公司、バイオ企業の鑽石生技投資股份有限公司の独立役員を務めるほか、財団法人鼎動電機教育基金会代表理事、財団法人聯合医学基金会理事、医療システムの医電数位転型公司監査役、インターネット関連企業の喬美国際網路股份有限公司取締役、智璞科技股份有限公司取締役も兼任。著書に『晶片島上的光芒(邦訳:『TSMC 世界を動かすヒミツ』/CCCメディアハウス)』、『競争力的探求(競争力の探究)』、『管理的楽章(マネジメントの楽章)』(宣明智氏との共著)、『恵普人才学(ヒューレット・パッカードの人材学)』、『商業大鰐SAMSUNG(ビジネスの大物SAMSUNG)』など。

Lin Hung-Wen has spent many years as a journalist specializing in the high-tech and biotech industries. His career includes significant roles such as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief at "BusinessToday" and a high-tech correspondent for the Economic Daily News. During this time, he extensively covered areas such as industrial development, investment trends, corporate governance, and international competitiveness.

Today he is making his mark as a radio host on FM96.7 and as a columnist for various media outlets. Additionally, Lin serves as independent director for three public companies: Ocean Alexander Co., T-CONN Precision Co., and DIAMOND BIOFUND INC. He is also an accomplished author with several books to his name, including "Chip Island: TSMC, Semiconductor and Chip War" (translated into Japanese as "TSMC's Secret to Moving the World" by CCC Media House), "Quest for Competitiveness", "Melody of Management", "HP Way, My Way - The Experience Sharing of 25 HPeers", and "The 21 Lessons about the Business Giant Samsung", among others.